It was during Honor Society elections that Andrew spoke on the microphone making nominations. All the names were called out and Becky just sat in back like any other day. Then Andrew proceeded to make one last nomination, he nervously stepped up to the microphone and said, "I nominate Becky to be my prom date." Of course she said yes, and the rest is history! Here's an Instagram photo from that day, and yes he gave her roses too!
When Becky showed us her dress, we thought, "perfect!" as we're used to photographing white dresses anyway!
We steered away from a garden background and found a cute little chair and a nice clean white palette in Becky's backyard for a more modern look and started posing away. Andrew and Becky were great sports at following our instructions, especially since they had a little bit of an audience during the shoot. All in all, it was great fun and I think we were all a little jealous inside that we didn't get to have the kind of prom experience Becky and Andrew did!

And last but definitely not least, prom photos wouldn't be complete without the parentals! Here's to raising an amazing beautiful young woman!

Thanks for letting us be a part of your day Becky and Andrew! You guys were amazing!